Names's already decided then? Getting a 'This track was not found. Maybe it has been removed' on the SC though...
Did anyone just order some beef? No?
Age 23, Male
Joined on 11/28/15
Names's already decided then? Getting a 'This track was not found. Maybe it has been removed' on the SC though...
Yeah the name's already decided ;) But i did put the track on Soundcloud though... I'll check if it's still there. Thanks :D
Hey i found my track. The link changed as i changed the track's name. Here the thing:
Aha, there it is! Sounds pretty nice, smooth and melodic, and pleasantly ambient with the occasional vocal add-on, gets me thinking of Outrun for some reason.
Haha thanks! I haven't heard (or played?) Outrun, but i'll definitely check it out :)
Thanks again for the positive feedback :D
Yupp, it is a game, both old and not very good so I wouldn't recommend it! XD Just reminded me of it.
Sure thing.
Oh hey i searched it xD Yeah i think my song is a bit in common with the game; but never imagined my track to be featured on a 8-bit racing game ;D
Thanks for shoutout :D
Wick3dRabbit (Updated )
Hehe thanks! I'll be making another news post soon; another shoutout's coming xD